X-Ray - Emergency Interpretation Essentials Online

About this course

Course cost: US$125

A systematic review of the fundamental principles in Emergency X-Ray interpretation. A certificate is issued electronically upon completion.

The goal of the course is to provide practitioners with the knowledge and confidence to review radiographic techniques and recognise normal variants and radiographic patterns of trauma and injury commonly encountered for the cervical & thoracolumbar spine, pelvis, upper & lower limbs, skull and face.  

Estimated time to complete - 8 hours. 

Modules are viewable for 6 times and will expire in 60 days.

Modules Included

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Introduction to X-Ray
X-Ray Anatomy - Emergency - Drag and Drop Quiz
1: Basic Principles and Terminology
2: Cervical Spine
3: Thoracolumbar Spine
4: Pelvis
5: Lower Limb
6: Upper Limb
7: Skull and Face
8: Abdomen


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Interns, General practitioners, Critical Care physicians, Emergency Physicians, Registrars, House officers, Radiographers, Nurse Practitioner working in emergency or urgent care practice.

Continuing Professional Development

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Australian College for Emergency Medicine: Approved for 6 ACEM CPD hours

Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy: 8 Hours (Self Directed Learning)

Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine: Approved for 8 PDP hrs: 5hrs Eductional Acitivity, 3hrs performance review

Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists: Online learning can be claimed under the Knowledge and skills ‘Learning sessions’ activity.

College of Intensive Care Medicine: Category 1A: Passive Self Learning, 1 point per hour

The Royal College of Radiologists (UK): This course provides 6 CPD credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons: 8 Point/s in Educational Activities until 01 April 2024 (RACS CPD approved activies program is currently not taking applications for 2024)

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners : Activity Id: 394491  - CPD Accredited activity; 5hrs educational activities, 3hrs reviewing performance, total 8hrs

Terms and conditions

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By purchasing and accessing this online course you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Lightbox Radiology Education grants the student a non-exclusive, non-transferable access to use the materials.

The student acknowledges that nothing in this agreement is intended to give the Licensee any Intellectual Property Rights in the Licensed Material, or any Intellectual Property Rights.

Lightbox Radiology Education makes no representation and gives no warranty that use of the Licensed Material will be fit for any particular purpose, or that use of the Licensed Material will not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. 

This is subject to the Intellectual and Commercial laws of Queensland, Australia.

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X-Ray - Emergency Interpretation Essentials Online
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Course testimonials

"I didn't know what to expect but I really enjoyed this online course. Worked well on my iPad. "
Emergency Registrar, Brisbane

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